Intrepid Museum
Virtual Astronomy Live
Collecting Astromaterials from Space
At Johnson Space Center’s Astromaterials Research and Exploration Division, all the materials samples that NASA missions brings back from space, are curated. This includes such fascinating materials as the Apollo moon rocks, meteorites from Mars, the Moon, and Vesta collected in Antarctica, Genesis Mission solar particle samples, stardust, and more. Hear from the scientists who keep and study these materials as they discuss past collections and what the future of collecting these materials will look like.
A pre-show will take place at 5:00pm EST with an interactive discussion with an Intrepid Museum educator.
The event is hosted and co-produced by John “Das” Galloway, founder of the Kerbal Space Academy.
This program is supported through a NASA Cooperative Agreement awarded to the New York Space Grant Consortium.
Juliane Gross
NASA Johnson Space Center
Juliane Gross is the Deputy Apollo Sample Curator, at NASA Johnson Space Center. In this role, she helps to protect, preserve, and distribute samples from the Moon for current and future scientific studies of solar system exploration and history. She is involved with preparations for the Artemis missions, helps with the ANGSA (Apollo Next Generation Sample Analyses) program and was one of three women who opened the Apollo 17 drive tube in 2019.
Ryan Zeigler
NASA Johnson Space Center
Ryan Zeigler is NASA's Apollo Sample Curator within the Astromaterials Acquisition and Curation Office at NASA’s Johnson Space Center. The principal focus of Zeigler's research is the geochemistry and petrography of lunar samples to better understand how the Moon formed, how it differentiated, and how impacts have subsequently altered and rearranged its surface over time
Summer Ash
Summer Ash has been both a rocket scientist and an astrophysicist. She is a freelance science writer and communicator whose work has been published in The Atlantic, NBC News, Smithsonian, Now.Space, Scientific American, Slate, and Nautilus.
John “Das”Galloway
Host and Producer
“Das” is a science outreach communicator who specializes in live, interactive video content. He is the creator of the Kerbal Space Academy, where he uses video games as a tool to start science and engineering conversations with viewers of all ages, and VECTORS Virtual Field Trips, which brings real-time interactive video to museums, events, and historical locations. “Das” also serves as a host and producer for
Produced by Intrepid Museum in partnership with Kerbal Space Academy and Egress Productions, LLC.